Farewell to My "Bella" Horse Friend, "Ace", Death of My Horse
In Loving Memory of Our Beautiful Thoroughbred “Ace” (1985 – 2009)
“Nothing is more sacred as the bond between horse and rider… No other creature can ever become so emotionally close to a human as a horse. When a horse dies, the memory lives on because an enormous part of his owner’s heart, soul, very existence dies also… but that can never be laid to rest, it is not meant to be…”
~ Stephanie M. Thorn

When you look beyond the fenceline and see that I’m not there,
Please remember that I’ll never forget how much you really cared.
I appreciate all the love you put into my soul,
Often making me feel as though I was, once again, a newborn foal.
When you look beyond the fenceline and see an empty space
I’m hoping for thoughts of joy to replaces those tears on your face.
Although our time together was taken away too soon,
I’ll always be watching over you through the sun, stars, and moon.
When you look beyond the fenceline you should not feel all alone.
For a part of you came with me the day I went to God’s home.
And although I didn’t want to, so soon, to be put to rest
I assure you, dear friend, that my spirit and soul still feel the very best.
When you look beyond the fenceline and think of me for awhile.
Remember all the fun we shared and those times I made you smile.
Remember how we’d run the fields, but never run away
I’ll never forget your gentle touch on my coat of bay.
So, when you look beyond the fenceline don’t think we’re far apart
For every time you think of me, I’m right there in your heart.
~ author unknown

Buona Notte, our dear friend. You blessed our lives with your gentleness, grace, majesty and beauty. I pray that we see you again in heaven.
Amore, amore, amore to our gentle giant and bella amica . . .
I just stumbled across this posting. This really made me choke up with emotion. I lost my Mizte when she was 32 years old. She taught me how to ride. I still have her bridle and halter, with some of her hair stuck in it. I won’t part with it, though it’s been 13 years.
We never forget them. Love this prayer…so sweet.
Dear Linda Lou,
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment to me. I’m sorry that I haven’t responded back to you earlier, but I guess I’m sort of in a little denial now and avoidance. I’m getting better each day. My problem is that all my pets, whether large or small, are part of my family and we care for them that way. I have a tender spot in my heart for all animals.
Thank you again so much. I hope that you are having a beautiful day in your part of the world.
I am so sorry for your loss-any pet, small as a hamster, and as majestic as a horse, have a special place in our lives.
Reeni, You have got to be one of the best people I’ve met through blogging. Thank you for your support for me. Hugs back, Roz
Grazie mille for your prayers!!! I, too, pray for our beloved animal companion friends to see us again some day. I hope that good things are returned to you for your simple act of kindness towards me.
Blessings, Roz
Maryanne, Thankyou so much; yes, I cry each time I read the poem too, because it is so very true. Today is a better day for me though. It’s my new blog friends that I’m utterly amazed about though, who have taken the time to write or post to me. I am grateful for you.
Love, Roz
So beautiful. My heart aches for you. The poem is so very sad. I’m in tears over your beloved. Hugs.
Prayers for Ace…
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I couldn’t finish the poem. It made me cry.
all my best,
Maryann xox
Sally, Life is truly beautiful, but includes low points as well as high. I am just so grateful for the absolutely unconditional love that I received from this gentle giant. I forgot all of my problems every moment I spent with him. Horse owners everywhere experience this miracle. There’s nothing like it.
Once again, thank you for the time you took just to drop me a kind sentiment. May blessings return to you!
Oh thank you so much for having done that. I wasn’t aware of the Prayers for Pets blog; I think, from reading it, that it is one of yours. What a beautiful tribute to animal companions and the people who love them. I will return to it over and over during this time. It is very, very consoling. By praying for others, I know that healing takes place faster.
Love and hugs back to you, and a big Mahalo! Roz
That is so sad. What a beautiful poem. Very best wishes, Sally
Roz, I hope you don’t mind if I posted this at the Pet Prayer Blog.