one of my David Austen roses


I don’t know what color is most beautiful to you in the garden, but to me, without a shadow of a doubt, that color is PINK!  I just adore the loveliness of all the different shades of pink dominating my gardens.  I also plant flowers in soft yellows, blues or whites to harmonize with the pinks.  However, I never use orange flowers, and only have one red flower variety:  ruby red double Knock-Out roses because they can withstand this Southern humidity so much better than my other roses can.

I haven’t posted about my garden since Spring when my bleeding hearts, daffodils, azaleas, and iris were in bloom, so I felt that it was long overdue to ‘take a walk in my gardens’!  So come along and see what bloomed this summer on the acreage!

simple Vinca . . . it’s the ONLY flower that the deer don’t eat in my garden during the months of summer
a beautiful David Austen old-fashioned rose bud
another David Austen rose trailing in the arbor that my incredibly talented husband built for me
pink yarrow next to the gardenia with a garden fairy visiting in the background

a glorious close-up of Sunrise/Sunset Echinacea
more clusters of pink yarrow
one of my brilliant pink daylilies
znd finally, a fluttering butterfly that is naturally attracted to Ruby Echinacea.
Wasn’t he/she nice to sit still long enough for this amateur photographer to take a photo?
I hope that you have a beautiful day . . .
and that you can get outside and smell some fresh flowers!