I love clean living, whether it’s inside my home, office, car, yard, and even my handbag. So if I am going to keep everything uncluttered on the outside, I’ve got to remember to keep it all as clean as possible on the inside . . . of myself! Over the holiday break from classes I had some time to watch TV and fell in love with all of the healthy advice provided by the Dr. Oz Show and web-site. So much invaluable information on nutrition is shared from a variety of experts that helps us understand just how much each organ of our bodies is affected by what we put into them. Dr. Oz has developed an especially effective de-tox and energizing green smoothie that’s high in fiber, rich in vitamins, and low in calories.
I found several other green drinks/smoothies on Pinterest that have been given a nod for success that I’d like to try simply for variety. I’ve put those together below, along with the correct citation of their origins for you. Each of their creators say that they really have an increased level of energy to get through their busy days. Other benefits discovered are better weight loss, improved digestive and immune systems, and more radiant skin, nails, and hair! And who doesn’t need and want those?
Each of these smoothie recipes are fast and easy to prepare. All that is needed are the ingredients and a blender. If you are fortunate enough to have a veggie blender, than of course you can use that.
Dr. Oz’s Green Drink
2 apples, cored
2 big handfuls of spinach
1/2 cup of chopped parsley
1 celery stick, chopped
1 thumbnail length of ginger root, peeled
1 lemon – juice only (use peel slice for zest)
1 medium cucumber
Place ingredients in a blender, add 4 oz. spring water or a handful of ice cubes, then puree quickly for one minute. Makes two glasses of Dr. Oz’s green drink.
Green drink – Optional ingredients:
2nd cucumber
raw carrot
unsweetened fruit juice
This green drink has a strong taste, so if you’re used to sweet beverages,
the taste will take some getting used to. Dr. Oz suggests adding other items
at first to sweeten the green drink to your taste.
Anti-Aging Green Monster Drink
from Dr. Andrew Weil
This green drink is loaded with protective phyto-nutrients, found in fruits and vegetables, known to help boost your body’s defenses against cancer and chronic degenerative diseases. It can help correct diet deficiencies – and tastes good, too. A perfect way to get your family to drink to their health.
1 cup apple Juice
1/4 cup carrot Juice
1/4 cup cucumber Juice
3/4 cup kale Juice
1/4 cup organic plain yogurt
1 tsp olivello juice (optional)
1 cup ice
If you don’t have a juicer at home, buy good quality organic juices from the market.
If you do have your own juicer, start with organic produce;
the fresher the produce, the more juice it will yield.
You can juice the fruits and vegetables an hour ahead of time.
You can also freeze the juice in ice cube trays.
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Add more or less ice to get the desired consistency and flavor.
Classic Green Monster
1 cup almond milk, or milk of choice
1 ripe banana, preferably peeled + frozen
2 handfuls organic spinach
1 Tbsp. chia seeds or 1 Tbsp. ground flax
1 Tbsp. nut butter, optional
1-3 ice cubes
protein powder of choice, optional
Add in some powders too:
Navitas Maca powder
Vega Shake & Go
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass
De-Tox Smoothie
1 1/4 cup pineapple juice
juice from 1/4 lemon
handful fresh spinach leaves
1/4 tsp. fresh grated ginger
Make Juice Not War Green Drink
2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)
big fistful of kale
big fistful of sweet pea sprouts
4 – 5 stalks celery
1 – 2 big broccoli stems
1 pear or green apple (optional)
1 inch of ginger (or less)
Other optional greens: romaine, parsley, spinach and dandelion.
Green Smoothie for Weight Loss
1-2 bananas
1/2 cup frozen peaches
1/2 cup frozen mango
a couple handfuls of spinach
ice (if desired)
Add enough water to blend
1 handful of ice
1 handful of frozen fruit (strawberries, papaya, mango, bananas, and pineapple)
1 cup of almond milk
2 handfuls of spinach
1/2 c. to 3/4 c. of vanilla or plain yogurt
1 tbsp. of chia or flax seeds
1 tbsp. of honey
Simply place all ingredients in the blender
The Green Monster Movement blog has an incredible array of green drink recipes posted by readers! Here’s just one more green drink to try!
1/2 inch or teaspoon ginger root
Combine all ingredients in a blender.
I’ll let you know how this goes!
Ooh, I love the sound of some of these healthy smoothies…great recipes!! Hope you’re enjoying your weekend, Roz…it’s COLD here!
I love your site.
This is a great detox. I also follow a blog that this lady makes this really good raspberry flax seed shake that is good for detoxing. I lost a pound a day when I was drinking this. It’s the fiber.
I simply love making smoothies and love reading other peoples recipes.
Wow, Roz…you tested so many recipes. I’ve been wanting to make a green smoothie. Thanks for giving me a push in the right direction 🙂
A very good idea, and some great recipes. I used to do this years ago, and should get back to it!
A healthy combination. Dr OZ is inspiriting too. Hugs!
Hiya Roz! My juicer has been pushed away on the top shelf of my pantry. Time to get it down! I’m assuming these are once a day drinks?
some power drinks i can’t do but these I think I could manage. They sound healthy but delicious
I read them and they sound fine. Most of them, I think, I would even enjoy. I hope so.
One of your soups was featured here.
Stop by, if you have a moment.
Perfect timing ~ I was just looking into juicing and detox recipes. I grazed my way through the holidays and now I’m paying for it … ugh!
How wonderful these recipes are! Thank you for sharing, now if we can find a smoothie for that gray hair I found last week!
awesome recipes happy new year
They are gorgeous…but green drinks still freak me out! ha
roz, my oldest has been making these smoothies for a while.. she noticed that her hair, nails grow fast and her skin has cleared up… sometimes she will put kale in it…
How funny, that’s what I’ve been blogging about lately too. I’ve been trying out dr. oz’s green juice.
Looks like its war on everything bad for you Roz. Love all of the combinations here.
I love this! I truly feel weighted down this holiday season – even if I didn’t indulge as much as in the past. I also found a “green soup” that I adore and am making it part of my routine through the winter. This is perfect timing, Roz. Off to buy some ingredients!