colorful signage to tempt and lure you off to a roadside or farmers' market in Hawaii!

colorful signage to tempt and lure you off to a roadside stand or farmers’ market in Hawaii! How could I resist?


Pineapple . . . mango . . . coconut . . . papaya . . . macadamia nuts! The fresh native foods of Hawaii are endless!

And all of these wonderful tropical foods were found displayed in roadside stands and farmers’ markets during our time on the islands.

Some people find beauty and inspiration through capturing images of fellow humans. Yet others photograph buildings or shoot scenery. And even though I do capture those memories as well on our getaways and in everyday life . . . I also photograph food!

Raw, in process of preparation, or in its final presentation stage . . . I see and photograph food. . . in all its simplicity or complexity.

The gifts of the planet, the nourishment that sustains us . . . food in all of its beauty.

And my husband puts up with me throughout the whole process.

He even goes hungry while waiting during the final shoot! This is a must for a significant other of a food blogger! Oh no, not the going-hungry part of being in the life of a foodie (actually it’s just the opposite — the satisfaction, the pleasure of the final reward of enjoying a wonderful dish or meal). It’s the characteristic of ‘patience’ that one must have in our food-obsessed mania . . . knowing that delicious rewards are to come!

So without further introduction and chitter chatter, let me just take you on a mini-photo tour of a glimpse of the colorful Hawaiian roadside stand and Farmers’ Market scenes that will stimulate you visually and entice you to experience in beautiful and delicious Hawaii!

the farm marketing tradition begins young!

the farm marketing tradition begins young (‘keiki’ means ‘children’ in native Hawaiian)


Hawaii Farmers' Market, Hawaiian sugar cane

Hawaiian sugar cane, where a lot of our sugar comes from

Macadamia nuts

Locally-grown Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts

Maui onions, Hawaiian Farmers' Market, Hawaiian native foods

oh so sweet and delicious (“ono”) Maui onions!

I can never resist fresh flowers, especially those varieties that I can't grow at home!

I can never resist fresh flowers, especially those varieties that I can’t grow at home!


Hawaiian pineapple, Hawaii pineapple

nowhere on the planet is pineapple so sweet as it is in Hawaii – – the reason behind calling it “Maui Gold”

Hawaiian Coconut Syrup Guava Jelly Jam
Hawaii foods Hawaiian Food
Hawaiian Farmers Market Hawaii Farmers Market


Freshest ever, in-season, sweet Hawaiian mangos!


gorgeous tropical flowers available in the markets

gorgeous tropical flowers available in the markets

vivid colors are visually enticing in farmers' markets!

vivid colors are visually enticing in farmers’ markets!

fresh Hawaiian fruit, Hawaiian farmers' market

Hawaiian sweet potatoes, Hawaiian Farmers' Market

fresh Hawaiian sweet potatoes

Hawaiian sugar cane, Hawaii sugar cane

Hawaiian sugar cane in it’s rawest form!


farmers market maui hawaii

don’t forget to stop here!

and finally, the humble Hawaiian farmers remind us to . . .
Aloha y’all!
