loose leaf lettuce

just one huge bowl of cut lettuce . . . giving the rest away to friends and family!


One of the very first vegetables that we enjoy is loose leaf lettuce!

You know the kind that you find in healthy grocery stores such as Whole Foods or The Fresh Market . . . where the lettuce is on display in loose form and not in some bag sprayed with preservatives.

Well not even these stores can get fresher than what I cut straight out of our gardens!

And the aroma of the variety of lettuce just captures your attention as the garden shears cut through the stems.

The sweet taste and aroma of spring!

Oh so easy too . . . and ready in 3 weeks!

Gardening is such a gift AND miracle.  Something I’m so glad that we taught our children, who now enjoy gardening and fresh, healthy food!


my raised bed of 4 lettuce varieties is EXPLODING!

my raised bed of 4 lettuce varieties is EXPLODING!

Loose leaf lettuce ia any variety of lettuce that doesn’t have a compact head form (thus the term ‘loose’ leaf).  Their flavor has a delicate flavor unlike a regular head of lettuce that has minimal flavor.

If you don’t have the ability to garden at home, this is the type of lettuce that usually appears the earliest in local farmers’ markets.  They can be started from seed at an early time because they can withstand some of the earlier, colder days and nights at the beginning of spring.

I like to plant a combination of Mediterranean lettuce:  colorful Italian lettuce such as Lolla Rossa, Mottistone, Bianca Di Milano, and Treviso along with a great old standby: Black Seeded Simpson.


loose leaf lettuce salad

dress lettuce with vinaigrette

Dress loose leaf lettuce with very light olive oil and vinegar based vinaigrettes . . . never use heavy and/or creamy dressings on this variety of lettuce.  And also never, ever used bottled dressings that have loads of preservatives included that can’t be pronounced!

My vinaigrettes are always 1 measurement of olive oil to ⅓ measurement of vinegar (for this salad, I used Balsamic vinegar — Aceto di Balsamico in Italian).  I also enjoy using a high quality red wine vinegar too.  So for an example, use 1 cup olive oil to ⅓ cup vinegar.  It all depends on how many people you are serving to increase or decrease this formula.

Then I slice about 10 – 12 green onions and toss those in the lettuce.

With just a dusting sprinkle of freshly cracked sea salt and black pepper to taste, this salad is complete!

If you want to really eat like a humble Italian peasant, place a large amount of the loose leaf salad between two slices of bread.  It is so simple, so easy, and so delicious!


looseleaf lettuce salad

layer lettuce salad on top of bread


loose leaf lettuce salad

delicious simplicity!



