St. Patrick's Day Green Food

Pesto Caesar Salad

an array of recipes that fill your desire for something green on your plate and table

By now I’m sure you realize that I am not Irish.

But I have an amazing amount of wonderful Irish relatives . . . many in my family are drawn to the witty, fun, and outgoing Irish, fall in love with someone and become blessed by marriage!  We have an equal number of Patrick’s, Kelly’s, and Shawns in our family as we do Martina’s, Maria’s and Enrico’s!

So do you know what that means?

In my family, together  the Irish and Italians have such GREAT FUN with times full of laughter, food, dancing, and I might add, some hefty beverage intake!  If you could only join an Irish and Italian wedding, re-union, or funeral, you’d witness the joy of life that is celebrated among the two ethnicities!

And since laughter is truly the best medicine, it’s awesome to get this incredible natural drug fix!

So in honor of ALL of my beautiful Irish family and friends, I’m sharing some of my most delicious “green” recipes to celebrate St. Patrick!

On a serious note though, I think it is only fair to say that St. Patrick was not a soul to be remembered for partying and drinking booze, but rather was noted by Christians for his spiritual works in Ireland. As a person of faith, I feel that it is important to keep that in mind.  St. Patrick is a ‘saint’ for a reason — and it is not for drinking green beer.

’nuff said on that, OK?

Have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

And if you do need to go out and party . . . please drink and drive responsibly.


The recipes and links featured in the photo collage above are:


Green Beans (Haricot Verts) with Roasted Vegetables

Asparagus Mimosa

Thai Cucumber Salad

Spinach, Ginger and Pineapple De-Tox Smoothie

Fresh Basil Pesto


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!