Fresh fruits and vegetables market in Bologna, Italy

Temperatures start to climb in June and our gardens are sharing the love from all of our work in the spring. There’s nothing quite like preparing recipes that are filled with in season in June ingredients,

Even if you don’t have a garden, you can head to your local farmers’ market and/or food store for these freshest of produce to use in your recipes.

The season for sunshine has finally arrived. Visions of beautiful, brightly colored fruits, veggies and herbs can be found everywhere. All of our gardening efforts pay off deliciously and in a more healthy way with fresh produce!

If you’re like many people, you’re preparing more recipes from seasonal ingredients that are ever more flavorful and healthy than their canned forms sold in grocery stores.

Here’s a list of what is at the peak of freshness in season in June with recipes that are true keepers!


The rhubarb in our gardens is gigantic!


I pick the sweetest strawberries from a nearby strawberry farm


Freshly picked peaches from our local S.C. farmers’ market


Fresh blueberries shared with me from a farmer down the road


a basket of my favorite fruit . . . cherries!


my gardener’s basket of fresh picked brilliant green spinach

Green Beans

My kids would trim beans with me on the porch every summer when they were growing up!


Hawaiian Hawaii Mangos
Freshest ever, in-season, sweet mangos on a road-side stand during a recent trip to Maui!


beautiful fresh peas still in a pod and ripe for enjoying!


lettuce from the garden is so much better than store bought lettuce


nothing can match the pop of color and hot flavor of fresh radishes


basil, the king/queen of all herbs (in my opinion)

Now if you are a cookbook collector such as I am, you will love the following list of cookbooks that I have scoured the Internet to share with you.

Each of these has one solid focus: Garden-to-table cooking and lifestyle! Some of them also have a big focus on Italian gardening and cooking. All of them are fabulous. Just one click on each photo takes you to a variety of prices to choose from.

And yes, I endorse these cookbooks and have them in my own personal library.


Food Lover’s Garden: Growing, Cooking and Eating Well
Cooking From An Italian Garden
From The Garden To The Table
Vegetables From An Italian Garden
An Italian Garden
My Italian Garden
The Italian Vegetable Garden